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Project Reality (codename) will be a videogame in which we will include a series of ideas (some of them have already been registered in order to avoid some other team steal our ideas) that we think can revolutionize the way the final user, (the gamer) will interact with the videogame. This way of interaction has never been implemented in a game, at least at the level we want to implement it and we think that you will like this new way of interacting.


At the same time, Project Reality will be a Psychological Horror game. An adventure with its own story which, if the user decides to investigate more about the main story will be able to do it and discover new secrets. 


Also, many questions will be asked by the user… the main one will be: Am I playing this game, or is the game playing with me?

The project continues its development, slowly, as we are a very small team without any financing and that we work only in our spare time. Although the development is slow, it goes as expected and we expect to give you in the future an unique experience you will never forget, because for us, the most important thing is that you enjoy every minute of gameplay, of each experience, each line that has been written, every graphic on the screen… We want to give the word “play” the meaning it has always had… “to play, to experience, and feel…”

We expect to all of this and more as soon as possible. 


Thanks for your support.   LSG Team. 2015

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